Sunday, November 24, 2019

Receptivity and Reciprocity of Life

Hunger for truth .. thirst for righteousness in character and consciousness .. desire for progressive soul advancement of thine entire personhood. 

. . .  desire to know the Source of thine existence .. the breath of all Life.

These motivating urges are the beginning inclinations of every God-seeking mortal who ascends into our Universe from out of the evolutionary struggles of their planetary nativity.

With thine fullness of personhood .. ye shall seek the light with a whole heart, and only then will the spirit of Life deliver thee from thine personal bondage to those forces of materialization.

I am the indwelling Spirit of Truth who guides thine way to victorious accomplishments in thine emerging Immortality. 

I transform thee from within .. I grow thine character righteousness .. I renew thine mind unto higher meanings and spiritizing values and the attitudes .. attributes .. convictions of ascendancy. 

Assurance develops in My apostles who are wholehearted in their desire for freedom, devotedly decided upon truth, justice, order, and harmony  .. those God-aspiring individuals who uphold a singular dedication for touching the hem of Infinity .. for knowing the fabric of Eternity .. and for entering the reciprocal intimate relationship with God Individualized .. the great Mystery of their Life.

Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael

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