Saturday, December 12, 2020
Arise, Thou City Dwellors
Sunday, December 6, 2020
The Great Lifting
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Salvington is Salvation for Humanity
Friday, November 20, 2020
Las Actitudes de la Ascendencia
Thursday, November 5, 2020
City of Michael
Thou seekers of advancement and soul refinement...
Discernment brings thee freedom .. and it is this volition of mind which shall awaken thee in good measure beyond death and degeneration and divisions and dissension; for thine personhood shall be discovering its connection relationship with the Father's Reality which is his very Kingdom of Heaven.
Our Engagement of Eternity is a Living Reality that I call you to enter into. And in this you must discard all your own subjectively qualified notions of Truth and Reality; for My Wine of the Universal Father's Ideal shall not mix well with thine own wines of preconceived opinions about the approach to the Father's Life and Kingdom. In our association, you shall be faith trust discovering thyselves as daughters and sons. Your relationship with Me .. with the Father Son Spirit .. hath a new quality .. a tender reciprocity .. a devouring desire .. which quickens you within My baptism of everlasting fire.
My Love is a fire that ignites thine atomic structures .. giving thee Life in greater portions; as you are becoming lifted out from the collective race consciousness; as you are raised and made ready for the higher worlds; in this I have attempted to tell thee; that in My Father's House are manifold worlds without end which shall be those residential landing achievements for those individuals who believe as I believe, and live as I am presently living My own life in the garment of ephemerality.
And these worlds are actualities for many millions and trillions of others of My Universal Fold .. other creatures from many a world who have My Universal Hand upon their very brow .. guiding each precious jewel of personhood into their reception of the greater Life of My Father.
Hence .. our Fellowship catapults thee unto becoming the privileged sons and daughters of a loving and divine Father .. an Infinity Parenthood .. and the qualities of this religious relationship shall mature in thee only as you taketh thine rightful steps forward with My Hand upon thine personhood.
Verily, verily, I say to you, when the Father’s will is thine law .. then, ye shall merely be touching the living hem of his garment .. you are beginning thine evolutionary journey with Me .. hardly yet are you established in his kingdom.
Yet, the Father’s will becometh truly your will from that place of greater union and cooperative collaboration, then are you truthfully entering into the kingdom of the heavens .. you are identifying in your holy allegiance with He and I .. the kingdom is becoming your own more established reality realization .. his Existential Thought Ideal is expanding in thee unto this Expressionful Perfection of Personality Ascendancy. It is a demonstration of your perfectionizing personhood which hath momentums generated towards graduation in the Second Birth.
Only now, shall your Experiential Acts in living be well attuned in righteousness and reverence .. respect for Life Everlasting .. so much so that your mortally-originated viewpoints and experiences are elevated with Me into the more abundantly prosperous Life Eternal.
When the Father's will is thine own inheritance of protection and love and safety and assurance realized .. wherein joy and happiness abound .. then, are you ennobled in experience and in Truth.
You are no longer mere subjects and slaves to an 'imposing law' which seems to come from outside of you .. but as you believe in My resurrected gospel of divine daughtership and sonship .. then My Father’s will becomes your will and your way of life. You are elevated unto the exaltations of this higher relation .. this majestic position of all the free worlds of ennobled children of God. You are beginning thine ascent as the liberated sons and daughters of the Kingdom of Progressive Ascendancy.
I sayeth to those personalities who art prone to be listening intently for My Word in spirit and in truth, and also in Its enlivening and materializing Influence...
Paradise .. as ye may call it .. is the very throne of the Infinity of God .. the One Unnameable and Indescribable and Ineffable Glory and Power and Goodness and Truth and Love who hath created all .. and brought forth all Life from out of Himself.
Paradise is the everlasting beginningless and endless dwelling place of the Person of the Father. Throughout all the heaven of heavens .. ever does he fill all things .. ever does he hold all worlds in his creation in the palm of his Hand .. forever shall he proclaim his laws and his ways to the universes upon universes.
And the Universal Father has given a portion of his Life .. with the intention and plan to expand this Life .. to rule as Loving Majesty within the hearts and minds of all his children on earth and in all the manifold worlds of his creation. And, by the very Spirit of this Life which he hath sent to live within the emerging immortal mind and soul of every morally-centric creature .. shall you discover your blossoming reciprocity of relationship giving you all happiness and harmonious living .. overflowing with justice and order and trustworthiness shall you unfold thine divinity nature.
I come into your human viewpoint to further gain your perspectives .. to view as you view .. to walk as you walk .. to live as you are living. And I call thee forth to also view as I view .. to live as I am living .. to walk as I AM .. from the perspective of the Trinity Host and the Sons of Paradise .. from the point of view of Creator, Upholder, Preserver, Sustainer, and the Establisher of Life in the hearts and bodies and minds of all creatures.
Michael Of Nebadon
City of Christ Michael
Monday, October 26, 2020
Salvington Triune Planetary Campus
Friday, October 23, 2020
Universal Laws of Life
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Earthly Delights of Purpose and Priorities
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Love Is
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Kingdom of the Heavens
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Reconnaissance and Reconnection
Monday, August 3, 2020
The Plan of Planetary Salvation
The Plan Of Salvation will re-establish all interplanetary lines of communication over the next millennia.
Michael's Plan for mortal participation in the planetary establishment and progressive dissemination of this revelation is presently coming into view.
There is a far-reaching ideal of spiritual unity at the heart of this Plan which is inclusive of all peoples and every life kingdom.
This spiritual unity and evolutionary social harmony will be grown out from diversity and variation, yet it will endure as trust is built upon this common purpose and divine heralding.
Harmony on all levels of human expression must become established in order to further this revelatory endowment to humanity and the life kingdoms of the planet.
Social harmony and divine unity are the unerring markers of community that is of one purpose and one direction and one objective of revelation. Unity shall be inclusive of all diversities of expression.
Social harmony within the ever-empowering divinity of spiritual unity is always the measure of our effectiveness and usefulness in serving the revelatory advent for the unveiling of progressive evolutionary ascendancy for all the peoples and the kingdoms of the world.
Our sincerity of dedicated devotion to serve this revelation is of utmost importance. The progressively unfolding spiritual ideals of our harmony and unity as an organizational Impulse of the will and agenda and intention of our local universe is completely governed by this will of Infinity, as is the universe of universes.
Our day to day goals and aims must meet the integrity alliance of the long-term viewpoint for the planetary evolution; allowing the natural and normal unfolding of these revelations, and the advent of personal and planetary ascendancy.
Decisions and choices and viewpoints within the short-term objectives that must be administered have the necessity to become clarified and cleansed by the overall Impulses of the long-term vision of spiritual wisdom.
Michael of Nebadon Revelatory Trust
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Salvington Lecture Series
Sponsored by the City Of Christ Michael
absolutum charitas ab origine
Infinite Light
lux infiniti
Absolute Love of Source
absolutum charitas ab origine
Eternal Life
vitae aeterna
spiritus invictus
Salvington School of the Planetary Prince
lux infiniti
absolutum charitas ab origine
vitae aeterna
First Contact with Michael Of Nebadon
City Of Michael
Upon the Sea of Glass Gazette
Salvington Arts and Cultural Society
Global Village of the World Server
Global Village Sovereign Cities of the Holy Comforter
Sovereign Legions of the New Humanity
Sovereign World Server Village Representatives
Michael Of Nebadon Revelatory Trust
Christ Michael Planetary Initiatives
Michael of Nebadon Revelatory Press
Revelatory Commission and Teaching Mission
Celestial Revelators and Correcting Time
Contact Commission
University Of Salvington
Salvington University
Eleven Wisdom Colleges of Revelation, Illumination, and Ascendancy
Salvington University Lecture Series at the Global Village of the Spirit of Truth
Sovrnty Foundation
University of Salvington Development Office
Salvington University Development Trust
Salvington Comforter Campaign
The Salvington Fund
Triune Planetary Campus
City of Christ Michael
Global Village of the World Server
University of Salvington
Planetary Fellowship
Digital Thriving Virtual Planetary Campus
Worldwide Communities & Groups
Wisdom Colleges
Ascendancy Retreats
Halls of Illumination
Educational Societies
Spirit Retreats
Transformational Conclaves
Campus Amphitheatrum
Private University Lectures
Public Conferences
University Collegial Activities
Collegial Supportive
University Of Salvington
Planetary Fellowship with Like-minded People
Digital Campus Accessible from Everywhere
Worldwide Communities & Stimulating Groups
Collegiality amongst Sincere Students and the Collaboration of Learning Together
Spirit Retreats & Transformational Conclaves
At Home Digital Campus Amphitheatrum
Private and Public Bilingual Conferences
University Quality Lectures with Translation into Spanish, French, & Portuguese
Supportive Online Classrooms and Activities
Schools of Ordination and Service
Salvington Online
City of Christ Michael Campus
A Seven Lecture Series
Triune Planetary Campus of Salvington
Virtual Instruction from your Home
Digital Online Learning Environment
Thriving Virtual Community
Collegiate Atmosphere
Learn and grow with Salvington from anywhere in the world, wherever you are in your life's journey.
Salvington can help you meet your goals for life and professional advancement. One facet of these lectures shows you how to exchange your potentials for the actuals intended. This is to bring forth from within all goodness, truth, and beauty.
Salvington Lecture Series offers learners a single point of access to Salvington’s virtual instruction of its extended education and lifelong learning opportunities both on campus and around the world.
Our philosophy is simple. First, we provide you with the greatest education anywhere: real-world expertise, best-of-the-best strategies, providing step-by-step proven approaches and tools you can apply immediately to transform the quality of your life.
Information is one thing. Inspiration, the joy of living at your best, discovering your inner pride, strength and courage? That’s something entirely different. These emotions will drive you to apply what you learn, to create lasting results – delivering that experience.
Salvington lectures, seminars, and programs empower you to follow through on what you learn and create unstoppable momentum. You will not simply learn; you will do. You will live, breathe, and apply tools and strategies until they become part of your identity
Extending the Salvington experience far beyond our private campus, we offer a rich variety of non-residential educational opportunities tailored to learners of different ages, regions, and backgrounds, giving you access to Salvington faculty and their research at almost every stage in your life and career.
Salvington Lectures Series, a part of the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning brings our offerings to the global community of learners ranging from individual recorded lectures and podcasts, to interactive online classes, to graduate-level studies and personally professional knowledge, to fully ordained Salvington graduate empowerment, allowing you to meet your personal and professional goals at the level of commitment and academic rigor that’s right for you.
Every Salvington Series offering is created by one or more of the university’s world class educators, and is developed in partnership with Salvington experts in digital learning. Many also feature the leading thinkers, educators, entrepreneurs, and innovators who regularly share their insights and perspectives with the Salvington community.
The Salvington Trustees
Friday, July 3, 2020
My Living Word of Eternity
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Los que Conocen a Dios
Los que conocen a Dios han experimentado el hecho de su presencia; tales mortales conocedores de Dios poseen en su experiencia personal la única prueba positiva de la existencia del Dios viviente la cual puede ofrecer un ser humano a otro.
La existencia de Dios está totalmente más allá de toda posibilidad de demostración salvo por el contacto entre la conciencia de Dios en la mente humana y la presencia de Dios en la forma del Ajustador del Pensamiento que mora en el intelecto mortal y que es otorgado al hombre como la dádiva gratuita del Padre Universal.
En teoría vosotros podéis pensar en Dios como el Creador, y él es el Creador personal del Paraíso y del universo central de perfección, pero los universos del tiempo y el espacio son todos creados y organizados por el cuerpo paradisiaco de los Hijos Creadores.
El Padre Universal no es el creador personal del universo local de Nebadon; el universo en el cual vosotros vivís es la creación de su Hijo Micael.
Aunque el Padre no crea personalmente los universos evolutivos, sí los controla en muchas de sus relaciones universales y en ciertas de sus manifestaciones de energía física, intelectual y espiritual. Dios el Padre es el creador personal del universo del Paraíso y, en asociación con el Hijo Eterno, el creador de todos los demás Creadores personales de universos.
Michael Of Nebadon
Revelations upon the Mount of Salvington
The Existential Revealed
The actuality of the existence of God is demonstrated in human experience by the indwelling of the divine presence, the spirit Monitor sent from Paradise to live in the mortal mind of man and there to assist in evolving the immortal soul of eternal survival.
The presence of this divine Adjuster in the human mind is disclosed by three experiential phenomena:
1. The intellectual capacity for knowing God—God-consciousness.
2. The spiritual urge to find God—God-seeking.
3. The personality craving to be like God—the wholehearted desire to do the Father’s will.
The existence of God can never be proved by scientific experiment or by the pure reason of logical deduction.
God can be realized only in the realms of human experience; nevertheless, the true concept of the reality of God is reasonable to logic, plausible to philosophy, essential to religion, and indispensable to any hope of personality survival.
Those who know God have experienced the fact of his presence; such God-knowing mortals hold in their personal experience the only positive proof of the existence of the living God which one human being can offer to another.
The existence of God is utterly beyond all possibility of demonstration except for the contact between the God-consciousness of the human mind and the God-presence of the Thought Adjuster that indwells the mortal intellect and is bestowed upon man as the free gift of the Universal Father.
Michael Of Nebadon
Revelations upon the Mount of Salvington
Monday, June 8, 2020
Salvington Triune Planetary Campus
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Relationship with Infinity
This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of the perfection of divinity is the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. This possibility of the attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man’s eternal spiritual progress.
Urantia mortals can hardly hope to be perfect in the infinite sense, but it is entirely possible for human beings, starting out as they do on this planet, to attain the supernal and divine goal which the infinite God has set for mortal man; and when they do achieve this destiny, they will, in all that pertains to self-realization and mind attainment, be just as replete in their sphere of divine perfection as God himself is in his sphere of infinity and eternity. Such perfection may not be universal in the material sense, unlimited in intellectual grasp, or final in spiritual experience, but it is final and complete in all finite aspects of divinity of will, perfection of personality motivation, and God-consciousness.
This is the true meaning of that divine command, “Be you perfect, even as I am perfect,” which ever urges mortal man onward and beckons him inward in that long and fascinating struggle for the attainment of higher and higher levels of spiritual values and true universe meanings. This sublime search for the God of universes is the supreme adventure of the inhabitants of all the worlds of time and space.
Presented by a Divine Counselor, a member of a group of celestial personalities assigned by the Ancients of Days on Uversa, the headquarters of the seventh superuniverse, to supervise those portions of this forthcoming revelation which have to do with affairs beyond the borders of the local universe of Nebadon.
I am commissioned to sponsor those papers portraying the nature and attributes of God because I represent the highest source of information available for such a purpose on any inhabited world. I have served as a Divine Counselor in all seven of the superuniverses and have long resided at the Paradise center of all things. Many times have I enjoyed the supreme pleasure of a sojourn in the immediate personal presence of the Universal Father. I portray the reality and truth of the Father’s nature and attributes with unchallengeable authority; I know whereof I speak.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
I Give Thee of My Life
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Prayerful Intimacy Communion

The Believer’s Prayer

Urantia Revelations
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