Saturday, June 29, 2019

Thine Purifying Power

Every woman and all men are priests of the Parenthood of Infinity. All must reach for the Living One who resides in your midst.

And lo, do I reveal to you each that you need not seek in outward places the Living Christos .. the Life of God the Father; for when you crave and hunger for righteousness, when you art wholeheartedly desirous of advancement, as you claim the living of his will and way of attainment, as your heart is purified, and as your mind becometh divinely intoxicated with His glory .. lo, the Christos Life will expand and grow within thee.

His Kingdom of Love shall findeth a trustworthy residence within the terrain of thine heart and mind and body.

You shall be expanding into the Kingdom of his Reality and Objectivity .. and his Absoluteness shall raise all concrete thinkings .. all materializing influences shall give way unto the eternalizing power of the One.

The Godhood living in you shall come to taketh up his residence in thee .. and this Father Principle of Life shall abide with you, and It shall raise you ever further into his glory and wonder and Life Everlasting.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Integrity bringeth Unity

I sayeth to the holy ones who desire the highest wisdom and the most glorious priorities for themselves and the world ..

Every kingdom .. and each individual .. divided against itself is certainly in despair and disintegration. Those personalities who art brought to this weakness in their integrity .. this disunity and disharmony .. they shall topple over at the first signs of the Father's winds of eternity.

Be certainly and at every moment of your day breathing in My Word .. and the Father's Emanation. Be not as the fools of the civilization who pretend while avoiding the Power of unifying grace which hails from the Center and Source of Life.

Expand his kingdom by thine honesty and humility .. and ye shall be saved of further desolation; for truly .. every house divided against itself shall not withstand the kingdom of the Father's Life.

Each individual who hath not the courage and conviction of faith and trust to enter into their own purifications which bringeth unity and integrity to their entire personahood .. they shall rot away and disintegrate into nothingness; for the kingdom is of unity and oneness .. and any city or house divided against itself shall not stand forth within My Father's Kingdom of Love.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

Thine Sucklings are thy Deliverance

Thou City dwellers who clamor for righteousness and rectitude .. ye shall be rewarded with the greater prosperity .. greater than any material wealth can offer .. the fuller eternal prosperity shall taketh root in thee.

Ye shall becometh established in his Kingdom of Sovereignty and Stability and Strength and Security.

Be thou determined to find the eternal One who lives in thine midst.

Truly, the Father's Life is an everywhereness .. his omnipotence and omnipresence reigneth over all lives, and he hath his personal residence on Paradise.

Be thou ever asking .. pushing to know .. to discover .. to gain admission to his Kingdom of light and life.

For each and all who ask with a heart overflowing with  vulnerable need and sincerity and desire for the eternal things .. they shall be granted entrance into our Father's Kingdom.

All who ask and acknowledge and adore and appreciate .. they shall find his sublime Life of happiness and wholeness and harmony and order.

These are My disciples,  and they are of My universal fold; for everyone who sincerely asks and then allows .. they shall receive of his goodness and truth.

...and they who seek shall find; for I holdeth back not one iota .. not one particle .. all shall be given to thee as you have prepared your place to sit at the table of righteousness.

Oh child of the universes .. thine character growth is upon thine choices and determinations of purpose and priority. The Lord thy Life is imminently present .. in close proximity. Yet, he awaits thine righteous use of your endowments .. thine correct askings .. thine wholehearted free will decision to go beyond thine boundaries of selfhood to embrace his Objectivity.

Seek .. ask .. find .. allow .. receive .. and he and she who come to the Father in the ways I am instructing .. they shall be amazed and enthralled and ennobled and enthused by God's glory and simplicity .. his generosity and justice .. his pristine Life.

To she and he who seek and ask and persevere .. they shall begin to perceive rightly and honorably; for the more cosmic viewpoint shall find fertile soil in these individuals.

I am the One Universal Vine, and you are its branches. I distribute the Trinity Life unto each one who suckles upon My Life .. who hungers for the preparations of the Holy Spirit .. who thirsts for My guidance and deliverance through My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Mine children of this earthly sphere of evolutionary attainment...

It is the Spirit of Life who lives in you who creates that unquenchable yearning to become godlike in thy character, thy  morality, thy personality nature.

Attune to the Living Father through thine Thought Adjuster Life .. he works unerringly with you in building that incessant longing to be like God .. in stoking the embers of thine urge for ascendancy .. in giving you a taste of the inheritance awaiting you .. to enter the processional inwards through service, love, and the living actualization of all thine mortal potentials.

The Father hath sent out of himself a Living Presence to eternalize thine ways .. to spiritize thine meaningful understanding .. to eventualize thine mind and will towards perfection in him.

Here beloveds .. you have begun thine universe career journey unto the higher worlds of Jerusem .. the capitol of this system of worlds. And as you arise upon My guidance and instruction in the Father's way, truth, and life .. so shall you discover a new and heightened purpose for the great universal adventure of existence.

The attainment Paradiseward .. of standing in the very Personal Presence of the First Great Revelation who awaits your coming in the far distant future .. yet as you ascend the many higher worlds in Our Father's House .. so will you be overflowing with yet more of his goodness, truth, and beauty.

You shall most certainly stand in front of the Universal First Revelation of Infinite Deity .. and there before the actual person of Deity shall you be thou praised and comforted unto worshiping the infinite source of that divine gift of Life which you have chosen wholeheartedly to become one with.

The Adjuster is the living presence which creates this unearthly connection .. this indescribable link between thine mortal selfhood and the  Paradise Father.

So great shall you discover his goodness and generosity beloveds .. so wide is his mercy and compassion for thine mortal evolutionary experienxes .. so understandingly attuned to thee is his Adjuster Life who draws you nearer and nearer to the Absoluteness of the Universal Father.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Realizations of God Immersion

My religious gospel in Galilean times and in this 21st century restoration mission amplify the values of the universe of universes ..  I shall call ye forth to heighten the dexterity of thine faith, trust, and conviction assurance in the certainty of your destiny only as you give all to the Father.

My religious approach to a new way of living life in the garment of mortality culminates in that differential impulse for giving of thine pure worship .. and that eternalizing urge sent from the Spirit of Life which fosters wisdom attainment through the transmutation of thine darkness and densities unto the all-pervading Father Light.

Walk within My religious proclamations .. discover a newly emerging tenet within thine emerging and immortalizing soul which is athirst for righteousness and carries within it a heart of rectitude and cooperation.

Thine emerging personality achievement will occur as you raise your mortal opinions and priorities into the trinitarian values of the One Eternity of God who is Father to all, and much much more.

In thine emerging immortal soul ye shall discover the original design for life .. those unerring and supreme values shall become born in you .. and these are the unwavering values, the unchangeable values, the values which shall build in thee a renewal of heart and mind.

Ye shall discover in My gospel a clear directive .. a directionizing impulse from My Spirit of Truth, as well as, from the Universe Spirit of the Mother. Coupled with the Imminent power and grace of the Father's Adjuster Life Spirit, ye shall build a maturely-held receptivity capable of approximating the understanding of My vision of eternity, beloveds.

These are Mine proclamations for all the kingdoms of life upon the earth planet. My values which I bring forth and amplify shall elevate thine mind and ennoble thine desirous inclinations towards Absoluteness through wonder and awe and humility and childlike trust.

And these things which I come to show thee are of the higher spheres in My Father's many worlds of wisdom, illumination, and ascendancy.

These are the everlasting priorities, the unapproachable elevations caused by renovating thine mortal values .. for I am come to showeth thee Absoluteness of the Heart of Deity which hath values in contrast with the limiting relative values discovered by the superficiality of the outer rim of mind.

Walk within My Universal Care and Guidance, and ye shall be saved by faith and trust and thine personality who shall come to knoweth the way of victory, the life of God's imminent authority and your authorship of creative nature, and finally, ye shall realize the truth of his directly approachable identity and divine nature in thee.

Insight shall be gained, perceptions widened, realizations shall immerse thee in the Kingdom of His Love.

Such superhuman insight shall become for thee a gateway into  this genuine and personal religious experience.

Michael Of Nebadon

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