Saturday, July 17, 2021

First Contact with the Universe Father Son of Nebadon

Thou Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Faith Gospel Fellows

The Universe Mother, the Host of Heaven, and I, Michael of this local universe, we are offering a way for those with openness in their hearts and a non-judgmental mind to meet with Us, and to partake of Our Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit of the Infinite Universe Mother . . . in a more formal college setting; a gathering of tender souls and hearts and minds ready and willing to learn and grow through our originating precepts and teaching guidance.

I come forth once again unto the fold of humanity to teach ye of the path of illumination through the Descent of the Cosmic Fire of Creation and the expansion of the Flame of God presiding in thy midst; for in this way, the mortal shall place upon itself immortality.

It is the pathway for those with the courage of heart who yearn for God union and are willing to place upon the altar of Love their own free will choices in service to their own awakening and freedom in Light. Only these shall find the strength and conviction to come forth out of the fold of unconscious humanity to do the bidding of the Paradise Gods.

If you thirst for truth and love and freedom, come unto Me, and I shall give unto thee Manna from the heavens…out from My own Being.
For I am prepared to reveal myself unto those individuals who are proven to be receptive by preparing a place within their character, their personality, and their soul energies, and in this way have made themselves worthy of our association…

Blessed is he who shall receive of my words of wisdom and love, for ye shall be awakened unto everlasting Illumination. Ye shall progress from child of God unto thy Sonship with the Father of Eternity; at this time it is an absolute that the populace may come to know Myself, the Mother Spirit, and the Host of Heaven, who come as a beacon of light in the dark. I say, wherein is thy wisdom? Wherein have ye walked with us? When have ye remembered thy being with the Father, Son, and Spirit? Blessed are they which remember, and learn to give honor unto He who has given ye Life.

I am thy Sovereign Creator Son of Paradise Trinity Origin. I and the Mother are the personalized foci of the Paradise Deity for this aspect of creation. I am Son of God known by many names am I, yet I am not bound by names, nor am I willing to become limited by them. I call myself many things and by many names do I sign my words. I identify myself with all goodness, truth, and beauty, and I am not of this earth, yet I come into the earth manifest to reveal unto thee the way unto freedom and illumination.

For this have I come into the earth at this time, that I might fulfill my covenant with thee, that where I go ye may also go. I say unto thee, as ye fulfill the law ye shall prepare thyself to live his will and intent, and his plan shall become illuminated within thine own awareness.

I am here within the earth for a time, a short while, and I too say that all which are prepared to receive me shall be caught up with me, for it is now come when many shall be quickened unto the Father even as I was quickened and ascended. Ye shall do the very same as ye receive and bring forth the fulfillment of thy birth into light.

I say, for this have I come, that ye may overcome death and fulfill thy own covenant with the Father. So be it and may all peace and prosperity be thine own. I am now giving unto thee that which ye can comprehend. So shall ye be quickened and ye shall know as I and the Host of Heaven do know, of the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and the Living Network of His Supremacy.

I am of the Paradise Order of Michael, Sovereign Creator Sons who come to guide thy way; for I enfold thy being with My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Presence, and it is the Infinite Holy Spirit of the Mother of this universal creation which surrounds you in every way.

The true sovereign sons and daughters will recognize this offering as a sincere gathering; for those who desire to grow in their soul and fortify their character and consciousness into the Supreme Light and Life by learning how to expand the Kingdom of Love into and through your own being.
Michael Of Nebadon

Office of First Contact

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Salvington Planetary School

These Worldwide Communions will offer you a closer and more intimate contact with the Paradise Trinity and our Universe Father Son and Spirit, learning of the 21st Century Gospel Teachings of our Universe Sovereign Michael of Nebadon in an atmosphere sacred and holy wherein loving fellowship abounds with Joy and Compassion, Courage and Collegiality, Collaboration and Cooperation amongst your planetary fellows.

The Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Communion introduces my gospel to humanity .. yet .. your personal educational acceleration begins as a member fellow of the Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia.

Participants learn how to understand and implement my gospel teachings of the 1st century and the newly revealed gospel teachings of the 21st century. 

You each build a directly intimate and personal spiritual relationship with God.

Developing the personality soul requires those initial core developments to grow strong .. those cardinal human urges to become truth coordinated, truth collaborated, truth cooperated, truth concentrated, truth coagulated. 

These initial core cardinal urges are the original human needs, the core motivating drives, the foundational urges, those impulsing forces of the human psychological growth supporting all human desires and these urges and their needs stand firmly behind every choice and decision of humankind. 

Applying rightly the seven human faculties, strengthening concentratedly the eleven natural powers of holy faith, and attentively focusing these faculties and powers in direct reciprocal spiritual relationship with the seven circuits of our universe, human life receives an upgrading enhancement of their gift of personhood; an ennoblement of all urges and inclinations and desires and yearnings; an evolutionizing quickening acceleration into fortifying their emerging immortal seventh faculty of the soul vesture wherein perceptions illumine and consciousness broadens and becomes conscious of being the Life of Consciousness; an eternalizing advancement begins to occur as your faculties, powers, and circuits become integrated together as one living agenda and will and impulse and purposeful desire.

The Gospel Teachings of Michael when deeply learned and implemented are combined with his Universal Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Association, and this coupling of gospel instruction and spiritual relationship allows the emergence and development of those original human needs, core motivating drives, the foundational urges, those impulsing all desires behind every choice and decision of humankind.

Governor Trustees
Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia

Monday, July 12, 2021

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince

Those who desire inordinately to arise into their Universe Progression ..

Ye shall reach for Me by inviting Me here and now in both My formless Spirit of Truth as Son of God, and in my formed expression as Son of Humankind.

Ye shall discover the Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia by writing to our Office of First Contact -

Ye shall await reception and acceptance in order to begin matriculating into the Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince as a freshman fellow who hath a hunger for character righteousness, for truth everlasting, for relationship with God in thee .. a wholehearted desire for personality soul growth and an orderly attainment into thine Second Birth .. and an unwavering urge for finding and knowing and becoming alike unto attitudes and attributes and attentions of the First Person of Deity.

These are my disciplines for humanity which I place upon your individual shoulders; that ye shall mature thine outlook and its meanings ..  spiritualize thine sensibilities and capacities .. elevate thine attentive awareness to live the Way of God Authority, the Truth of Personality Soul Authorship, and the Life of Progressive Ascendancy leading unto your Cosmic Birth and Universal Citizenship.

Christ Michael

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Vine of Life

I am the Personified Presence of the Universal Father and the Eternal Mother Son for Nebadon .. the great joyfulness and indescribable mercy of the Infinite Fountainhead Source of all Life .. the Giver of Life to all lives .. the Nurturer of every righteous impulse .. the Preserver of all Intelligence and Integrity throughout the vast universe of universes.

Come thou unto Me .. child of the planetary sphere of Urantia .. and I possess the power to increase thine Life; for I am the Vine of Life and you each .. as a unique individual .. are its branches in Nebadon. 

I distribute the Life unto all lives in the Universe of Nebadon. 

I uphold the Ideal and it's everpotent Integrity for all creatures and Local Universe personalities.

I preserve the free will rights of each individual to choose the Father of all Lights.

I directionize all individuals towards truth, justice, order, and evolutionary progress.

I stimulate with the Divine Minister of our Universe all personality urges and every evolutionary impulse for advancement. 

Christ Michael

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

My Universal Gospel of God's Goodness

I Michael arrive upon your terrestrial shores to give you My proclamation of the status of your world .. to inaugurate the Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia, to fulfill My promise of returning to update My living gospel and to augment its understandings especially in regards to our personal contact and universe relationship with My Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter; for I show you the approach that ye shall develop and grow into with Me through My everpresent and imminent Truth Spirit.

Even do I give you revelations for the next millennia .. that ye shall findeth My gospel upon the earth even as you return in the centuries to come in future lifetimes of your learning. I showeth you Mine Personality and the way of relationship which ye shall cultivate with the Father .. the Mother .. and I. Our universe relation will amplify the Life Adjuster in you as you strive to make good with My instructions.

Capacity for divine personality is inherent in the prepersonal Adjuster; capacity for human personality is potential in the cosmic-mind endowment of the human being. 

But the experiential personality of mortal man is not observable as an active and functional reality until after the material life vehicle of the mortal creature has been touched by the liberating divinity of the Universal Father, being thus launched upon the seas of experience as a self-conscious and a (relatively) self-determinative and self-creative personality. 

The material self is truly and unqualifiedly personal.

Michael Of Nebadon with a Divine Counselor of Uversa
Celestial Revelators Corps
Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia

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