Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Salvington Planetary School

These Worldwide Communions will offer you a closer and more intimate contact with the Paradise Trinity and our Universe Father Son and Spirit, learning of the 21st Century Gospel Teachings of our Universe Sovereign Michael of Nebadon in an atmosphere sacred and holy wherein loving fellowship abounds with Joy and Compassion, Courage and Collegiality, Collaboration and Cooperation amongst your planetary fellows.

The Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Communion introduces my gospel to humanity .. yet .. your personal educational acceleration begins as a member fellow of the Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia.

Participants learn how to understand and implement my gospel teachings of the 1st century and the newly revealed gospel teachings of the 21st century. 

You each build a directly intimate and personal spiritual relationship with God.

Developing the personality soul requires those initial core developments to grow strong .. those cardinal human urges to become truth coordinated, truth collaborated, truth cooperated, truth concentrated, truth coagulated. 

These initial core cardinal urges are the original human needs, the core motivating drives, the foundational urges, those impulsing forces of the human psychological growth supporting all human desires and these urges and their needs stand firmly behind every choice and decision of humankind. 

Applying rightly the seven human faculties, strengthening concentratedly the eleven natural powers of holy faith, and attentively focusing these faculties and powers in direct reciprocal spiritual relationship with the seven circuits of our universe, human life receives an upgrading enhancement of their gift of personhood; an ennoblement of all urges and inclinations and desires and yearnings; an evolutionizing quickening acceleration into fortifying their emerging immortal seventh faculty of the soul vesture wherein perceptions illumine and consciousness broadens and becomes conscious of being the Life of Consciousness; an eternalizing advancement begins to occur as your faculties, powers, and circuits become integrated together as one living agenda and will and impulse and purposeful desire.

The Gospel Teachings of Michael when deeply learned and implemented are combined with his Universal Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter Association, and this coupling of gospel instruction and spiritual relationship allows the emergence and development of those original human needs, core motivating drives, the foundational urges, those impulsing all desires behind every choice and decision of humankind.

Governor Trustees
Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia

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The Faith of Jesus Michael

The Nature of Jesus Michael’s Faith A. Absolute Trust in the Father Jesus Michael’s faith was total and unwavering. It was not conditioned o...