Monday, July 12, 2021

Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince

Those who desire inordinately to arise into their Universe Progression ..

Ye shall reach for Me by inviting Me here and now in both My formless Spirit of Truth as Son of God, and in my formed expression as Son of Humankind.

Ye shall discover the Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince of Urantia by writing to our Office of First Contact -

Ye shall await reception and acceptance in order to begin matriculating into the Salvington New School of the Planetary Prince as a freshman fellow who hath a hunger for character righteousness, for truth everlasting, for relationship with God in thee .. a wholehearted desire for personality soul growth and an orderly attainment into thine Second Birth .. and an unwavering urge for finding and knowing and becoming alike unto attitudes and attributes and attentions of the First Person of Deity.

These are my disciplines for humanity which I place upon your individual shoulders; that ye shall mature thine outlook and its meanings ..  spiritualize thine sensibilities and capacities .. elevate thine attentive awareness to live the Way of God Authority, the Truth of Personality Soul Authorship, and the Life of Progressive Ascendancy leading unto your Cosmic Birth and Universal Citizenship.

Christ Michael

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The Faith of Jesus Michael

The Nature of Jesus Michael’s Faith A. Absolute Trust in the Father Jesus Michael’s faith was total and unwavering. It was not conditioned o...