Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Deliverance is Available

The greatest miracle is accomplished by you and you alone with the Living God; for you shall bring forth his Life in you.

This greatest of miracles strengthens your willing determination to advance thyselves in the great processional inwards. All thine human forces gather .. converge .. bringing integrity and insight .. involvement in your own existence .. an interconnectedness grows with all the Life everywhere as you realize that God is an everywhereness without limits.

Our Salvington Fellowship is purely religious .. deeply spiritual .. and even pointedly psychological. You enter the realm of this insightful understanding of thyself .. of perceiving truthfully without any obstructions .. through gaining the perspectives of Ascendancy and Acknowledgment and Adoration and Acceptance and Availability and Appreciation and Awareness and Attention.

All the creation is truly the Body of God the Supremacy who is derived from out of the Infinity of One Deity Absolute.

...and you are part and parcel of this Supremacy. You are his members .. his family .. his very Selfhood awaiting liberation through the actualization of all possibilities .. every potentiality .. each individual becoming raised and flowered unto Everlasting Truth and Unconditional Love.

Michael Of Nebadon
City Of Christ Michael

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Arise unto the Revelation of all Actualities

Mine children of the earthly evolutionary journey...

Say unto the Infinity Persons of Deity and to the Universal Father Adjuster Spirit who lives in you and guides you ever upwards in moral, ethical, soulic advancement...

I only desire to live and become your Will. I desire nothing more or less than this Will of Absoluteness and the Perfection of the Personhood I am.

I desire to elevate all my urges, to increase my understanding of myself and You.

You take ownership of this physical form .. I place it in your control of Absolute Goodness, Truth, abd Beauty. I understand that you provide for me every breath and all resources in order to accomplish this lifetime plan. I accept and honor my human with its endless needs and yearnings. I acknowledge and appreciate and accept and align with You who are raising me unto the Me in You that I am becoming.

I desire to continue learning and growing in these avenues of progressive ascendancy, and I am trusting with the fullness of faith and cooperation and collaboration that you will provide exactly what is necessary for us to be victoriously successful in the becoming one as your Will.

I will gratefully and happily and joyfully assert myself as you give me your direction and resources .. your purpose and priorities. I will walk with you, my Father Mother God who is living in me and with me and for me .. and one day soon I will merge with you forever.

I share My counsel with each one who hath the thirst for Truth and the hunger for Righteousness and Reverence .. for relationship with the Universal Parenthood of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mis Hijos

Mis hijos de este Universo ... ¿seríais vosotros sanados y hechos íntegros en toda vuestra vida?

Mucha de la humanidad desea ser sanada ... para ser completa en lo físico y en el alma. Y Yo os digo a vosotros que no estáis desamparados ... porque a medida que vuestra fe confía, aumenta y llena vuestra mente y vuestro corazón, así recibiréis los incesantes derrames de las virtudes curativas de la Vida.

Todas las potencias del Amor os alcanzarán cuando permanezcáis en el Camino de Dios ... su Verdad ... y su Vida. Su bálsamo curativo no está lejos ni está solo en ciertos lugares. El Infinito Sin Nombre es el Espíritu Persona en el Centro y la Fuente ... su cuerpo está en todo lugar.

Y Él está accesible en ti... Él no necesita venir a ti; porque el Padre Universal está en todos los lugares a la vez. Él se os da a conocer en la medida en que vosotros mismos os paráis con los brazos extendidos en confianza y fe y en dependencia. Él trata justamente a todos y a cada uno.

Todos y cada uno de vosotros podéis recibir sanación por todos los impedimentos y lesiones a medida que os abrís a esta sagrada receptividad ... mientras os hacéis disponibles a la fuente sanadora del Cielo de los Cielos. La fuente de toda prosperidad y pureza, la plenitud y la sanación son traídas a vosotros para el desarrollo de la vestidura de vuestra alma ... ésto tiene una puerta y una gracia acogedora y su llave es la fe ... la plena lealtad ... la completa y sincera disposición para mirar hacia Dios.

Y todos vosotros tenéis la oportunidad de obtener esta llave que puede abrir fácilmente la puerta interior ... y sumergiros hacia la fuente de sanación y hacerla completa.

Creed como yo creo y vivo ... porque será hecho según vuestra fe  ... levantad y despertad vuestra consciencia ... y una vez más, creed y vivid como Yo ... y todas las curaciones las recibiréis desde los Cielos.

Alabado sea la Totalidad de Dios, la Paternidad de la Vida ... vuestro Padre, Madre de la existencia, que os trae hacia adelante como persona y como individuo. Y cuando la gente en vuestra vida os pregunta, diciendo: "¿Quién os hizo íntegros?" .. le decís "Mi fe confiada sinceramente descansa en Dios, la Vida Una me ha sanado e integrado".

He aquí ... ahora estáis caminando conmigo en espíritu y en verdad. Ahora debéis proteger vuestra vida correctamente en honradez y comprensión ... rectitud y reconocimiento ... reverencia y revelaciones ... respeto y receptividad; estos son algunos de los valores Trinitarios que tienen las potencias y los poderes cuando actúan sobre vuestra persona individual.

Ahora ... seguid vuestro camino y no pequéis más ... ni tomaréis residencia en el mundo efímero, sino que lo daréis todo a la realidad del Padre Universal, el Absoluto Universal, que tiene su entrada en el templo de vuestro corazón y la emergente vestidura de vuestra alma hecha a punto para recibir.

Michael Of Nebadon
Salvington Planetary Cities


Mine children of this Universe .. would you be healed and madeth whole in life?

Many of humanity's desire to be healed .. to be whole in physical and in soul. And I say to you that you are not helpless .. for as thine faith trust escalates and fills thine mind and heart, so shall you receive the incessant outpourings of the healing virtues of Life.

All potencies of Love shall reach thee as you abide in God's Way .. his Truth .. and his Life. His healing balm is not far away nor is it in only certain locales. The Nameless Infinity is Spirit Person at the Center and Source .. his body is his everywhereness.

And He is accessible in thee .. He need not cometh to thee; for the Father Universal is in all places at once. He makes Himself known as you stand forth with arms outstretched in trust and faith and reliance. He deals justly with each and all.

Everyone and anyone may receive healing for all impediments and injuries as they open to this holy receivership .. as they make themselves available to the Heaven of heaven's healing fount. The fount of all prosperity and purity and wholeness and healing is brought to you by developing your soul vesture .. it hath a doorway and a welcoming grace and its key is faith .. full faithfulness .. complete wholehearted willingness to look Godward.

And everyone hath the opportunity for this key which may easily unlock the door within .. and plunge themselves into the healing fount and be made whole.

Believe as I believe and live .. for according to your faith it shall be done .. arise and awaken thine awareness .. and once more, believe and live as I .. and all healings shall you receive out from the Heavens.

Praise the One Totality of God the Parenthood of Life .. thine Father Mother of existence who brings you forth as personhood and individual. And when the people in your life asketh you, saying "Who made you whole?" .. telleth them that "My faith trust wholehearted reliance upon God the One Life hath made me healed and whole."

Behold .. now are you walking with Me in Spirit and in Truth. Now are you to guard your life aright in righteousness and understanding .. rectitude and recognition .. reverence and revelations .. respect and receptivity; these being some of the Trinitarian values having the potencies and powers when acted upon by your individual personhood.

Now .. go on your way and sin no further .. nor shall you take up residence in the ephemeral world but give all unto the reality of the Universal Father Mother Absoluteness which has its entrance in the temple of your heart and emerging soul vesture made ready to receive.

Michael Of Nebadon
Salvington Planetary Cities

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Thine Fruitage of Spirit Glory

I speak to all with simplicity and the power of the Word ..

In My Father's vineyard, the vines of the galaxies are ripening with the fullness of mercy and kindness. Many vines are unkept .. they grow high and wild .. the growth of their leaves are seemingly out of control and their  branches are appearing to be in chaos.

Yet, the leaves of understanding are broad and deep .. the branches of life and loving forgiveness reach easily outwards to all. Its grapes are sour and also sweet; for there is a mixture occurring.

And his pruner cometh .. with the sharpness of truth and compassion, he cuts off every branch and leaf that hath served his purpose .. every branch and each leaf remains not upon the great vine of My Father Infinite. Only root and stalk remains after the Pruner of Life comes to purify .. to untangle .. to reweave and bring order to the chaos of every leaf and branch. He maintains his vine throughout existence.

Many cometh .. they glance at the appearance of the vine freshly cut down to not a thing. Barrenness appears .. the vineyard appears to be despoiled and stripped of every beauty. All who look from the viewing point of ephemerality .. the ephemeral eyes which perceive only upon the surface of life .. they see the lack and the chaos and the ugliness of things barren and desolate .. they curse the pruner, saying "why dont you care .. why don't  you save all those leaves and branches .. why do you allow the  pruner to come and cut away all our beauty .. save the children of the world, and the victims who art suckling upon the vine of life. You tear down all things made by us, and you separate apart our vine .. its creation a thing of our mortal beauty."

The pruner then says, "content thyselves with what you think and thine interpretations which abound with limited seeing coming from your lesser instincts .. and come again at harvest time and see."

Then, at harvest time the naked barrenness of every branch and each solitary portion of the vine was overflowing with luminous leaves .. the stalks of the vine were bright with new life appearing .. heavy clusters of delicious grapes weighed every branch to earth.

The gatherers rejoiced, and each day they carried the richness of this bountiful fruitage to the press wherein fresh, rich, lovely juices flowed.

Behold .. ye shall strip away from the vine of your mortality all things which suckle unceremoniously upon the Life coming from the roots of the heavenly One. Then, shall you create that fertility of receptivity which garners a vast bountiful growth for thyselves.

All gorgeous mortal doctrines and rituals and idols and images and forms of men and women are branches which soon must be cut away, their words and gushings of politeness and the mirages of their social banterings are leaves which must become stripped apart and removed; for these mortal accoutrements are useless to the advancing progression of the individual and race .. these false mortal idols of intellectual vanity and emotional narcissism have grown so great that sunlight no longer reaches the heart .. waters from the heavenly Word cannot flow throughout the veins of their intelligence. Every individual and the entirety of the race hath become dried up of moral cleanliness and ethical decisiveness. A way is prepared by the pruner of life so that all nutrients may flow to every portion of the vine and its foliage may bring the fruits of the Spirit Life.

The vineyard of the Lord thy Parenthood of Life cause you to remove all unnecessary mortal imperfections .. and the earth shall becometh spread throughout with human beings capable of receptivity and reciprocity with the Parenthood Source.

Behold, I am the pruner of all individuals .. the Trinity that I represent cometh to prepare thine bountiful growth, and with the Love of his omnipotence, our fellowship cuts away all unneeded branches and leaves .. I prune thine personhood until all is naught but unclothed stalks of human life made holy and respectful.

My apostles trust in the pruning of their life. They knoweth the beauty of the naked stalks .. they are happiest as the pomposity of thickly overgrown vegetation is dissolved .. so that the stalks of their lives are pure and without suffocation .. I and My apostles bring forth in themselves the divinity abundance and spirit  prosperity as the harvest time approaches.

They give their appreciation and cooperation to the pruner that I am .. they have come to collaborate with Me in shorning their personality of every overgrown leaf made by mortal indigestion and interpretation.

They experience the harvesting as a time of celebration and certainty; for they rejoice in My coming and they are brought forth unto the divine press where all hardness and rigidity is pressed out to create the living fruitage .. the essence of Life.

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael

Sunday, July 7, 2019

My Bestowal Incarnation

I am come unto thine planetary civilization .. unannounced. I come through the doorway of a bestowal mission in order to attend to My flock. To nurture Mine sheep. To elevate thine sight and to illuminate thine visionary impulses for Truth.

I gather My disciples who are athirst for righteousness and reverence eternal .. and I am presently accelerating Mine apostles of your world society who have made themselves faith ready .. they who have been sacrificing the darkness for light .. who trustfully are as  discerning as a little child who yearns with all their heart for the hope of eternal life .. in the Father's Glory and of his Kingdom.

Michael Of Nebadon

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Come unto Me

Verily do I stir thine embers of consciousness ..

Every individual Kingdom divided against itself shall be brought to desolation and destruction.

A house divided against itself shall be disintegrated and corrupted of all moral character.

ܐܢܐ ܠܟ ܐܒܝ ܡܪܐ ܕܫܡܝܐ ܘܕܐܪܥܐ ܕܟܣܝܬ ܗܠܝܢ ܡܢ ܚܟܝܡܐ ܘܣܟܘܠܬܢܐ ܘܓܠܝܬ ܐܢܝܢ ܠܝܠܘܕܐ
At that moment Eshu {Yeshua} answered and said, ‘I give thanks unto you Abi Mara d’Shmaya {My Father, Lord of the Heavens} and d’Ara {of the Earth}, that You have hidden these things from the khakiyme {the wise} and the sakulthane {the intelligent}, and You have revealed them unto yalude {little children}.

ܐܝܢ ܐܒܝ ܕܗܟܢܐ ܗܘܐ ܨܒܝܢܐ ܩܕܡܝܟ
Yes, Abi {My Father}, for thus was the desire before you.

ܟܠ ܡܕܡ ܐܫܬܠܡ ܠܝ ܡܢ ܐܒܝ ܘܠܐ ܐܢܫ ܝܕܥ ܠܒܪܐ ܐܠܐ ܐܢ ܐܒܐ ܐܦ ܠܐ ܠܐܒܐ ܐܢܫ ܝܕܥ ܐܠܐ ܐܢ ܒܪܐ ܘܠܡܢ ܕܨܒܐ ܒܪܐ ܕܢܓܠܐ
Every thing has been delivered unto Me from Abi {My Father}, and no one knows The Son, except The Father. Also, no one knows The Father, except The Son, and unto whomsoever that The Son desires that He would reveal Him.

ܬܘ ܠܘܬܝ ܟܠܟܘܢ ܠܐܝܐ ܘܫܩܝܠܝ ܡܘܒܠܐ ܘܐܢܐ ܐܢܝܚܟܘܢ
Come unto Me, all the weary and carrying burdens, and I will ease you.

ܫܩܘܠܘ ܢܝܪܝ ܥܠܝܟܘܢ ܘܝܠܦܘ ܡܢܝ ܕܢܝܚ ܐܢܐ ܘܡܟܝܟ ܐܢܐ ܒܠܒܝ ܘܡܫܟܚܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܢܝܚܐ ܠܢܦܫܬܟܘܢ
Carry niyri {My yoke} upon you, and learn from Me, that I am quiet, and I am mild, and in lebi {My heart} you will find a resting place for naphshathkun {your souls}.

ܢܝܪܝ ܓܝܪ ܒܣܝܡ ܗܘ ܘܡܘܒܠܝ ܩܠܝܠܐ ܗܝ
For, niyri {My yoke} is pleasant, and mubali {My burden} is qaliyla {easy}.”

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael

Thursday, July 4, 2019

I am the Way of Victory and Ascendancy

Blessed are you who walk in the Way of Life .. the Truth of God's Nature .. and the Life of Prayerful Intimacy Communion; for these are My disciples from out of the present rebelliousness of the civilization who know and see Me through the eye of faith, and who hear Me through the ear of truthfulness, and who are impulsed through the heart of openness.

They shall never taste of death nor separation from Life...

Michael Of Nebadon
The City Of Christ Michael

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Eternity Engagement Together

There are many ways in which I come to you .. of which ye have no knowledge:

I come saying .. Peace unto you! Knoweth ye my voice!

Ever and always I am with you in my Spirit of Truth Holy Comforter...

I come to you saying .. Let the meditations and contemplations of your hearts affirm that I am with you; that we have a mission to accomplish together.

I come to you saying .. Know ye that the words of others oft are the phrases that I speak with my lips in order to penetrate thine veils of unawareness.
I come in many guises when ye bethink them not; a wise person uttereth speakings and ye say ..  He is inspired; think ye, beloved ones .. she maketh her own poesy? Doth she spout of her own wisdoms? What of the ennobled ones? .. Are they not in the universal body of my bosom?  Do they not use my wordage, being close to my heart?

Lo I sayeth to the searching ones who articulate in their communion with me .. gather up thine tempestuous natures .. the Father rebuketh no one; for he is limitless love and mercy.

Know that ye have ways presently open to you, and for thine attainment. Ample time doth exist for the consummation of my plan of salvation.

Doeth thine portion. Achieve the strengthening of mind and will. Ripen thine tentacles of hunger for truth and thirst for righteousness.

Ye canst not hasten my plan for thee by thoughts mortal. My plan hath order and justice .. it consumes thine inappropriateness and elevates thine own endowments.

Listen well. Imbibe mine discourse. Appropriate thine space for implementing my proclamations. Make thee a way in time for entering the Father's House...

Michael Of Nebadon
The City of Christ Michael

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